• Scholarships

    This section lists all the aid granted by the States (Algerian and foreign), intitutions and universities. Filter your search by …

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  • Scientific Manifestations

    Scientific manifestations can take many forms, presential or online: conferences, award ceremonies, innovation competitions, doctoral days, seminars … Access to …

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  • Invitations to tender

    If you are suppliers or service providers, this section offers you the various calls for tenders of our university: Click …

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  • House of entrepreneurship

    This section will allow, to equip our students with innovative projects with an entrepreneurial spirit, to train them in business …

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  • Welcome to Djillali Bounaama University

    Thank you for your interest in our university. This website is intended to present to you our academic experience to allow you to orient yourself as much as a student, teacher or visitor. The university is proud of the excellent quality of teaching and the learning opportunities provided to the students. Throughout its approach, it has been able to meet the needs of students by opening specialities in almost all fields while adapting to scientific and technological developments.

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    Offres de formation

    Our Strutures

    Djilali Bounaama University has six (06) faculties and one (01) institute, as well as it consists of four (04) vice-rectorate each one has its task, and it is equipped with a multitude of research laboratories in all fields provided by the university

    Faculties and Institutes

    The Djilali Bounaama University of Khemis Miliana has more than 104 learning offers spread over six faculties and one institute: …

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    Vices Rectorates

    The four Vice-Rectorates of the university are: Vice Rectorate in charge of Higher Education of the First and Second Cycle, …

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    The University of Khemis Miliana has 12 research laboratories: FIMA. E.N.ALG. ERP. LESI. IEoEI. OEC. PRAVDURN. VSN. DLEWA. LSSP. MOPIV. …

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    The general secretariat, to which the general order office and the internal security office are attached, includes the following sub-directorates: …

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