The International Students Welcome Office

Through its International Student Office, the faculty aims to facilitate the integration of international students enrolled at the University of Djilali Bounaama Khemis Miliana, more particularly in terms of university life and life sociocultural.
The international student reception office informs and guides students in all the administrative procedures from the start of their studies to the end. its objectives are:
– Welcoming international students and researchers and informing them about the administrative procedures within the University and in practical life.
– A more or less personalized follow-up of schooling after registration.
– Assistance in solving any administrative problems encountered by the foreign student for their integration into university life.
– The organization of cultural activities or animation actions promoting the integration of foreign students into student life.
The office is also equipped with digital tools: photocopier, scanner, computer and internet connection. Thus, the student will find the necessary means to help him during his studies or other. In other side, the faculty has a free internet room equipped with a computer and digital resources that can help the student for research work in others.
Useful information for welcoming international students is centralized on this page:
For a better understanding of student life at the faculty, you can also download the faculty student handbook available on the faculty website

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